Improve load times and user experience. Media management made easy with blurhash generation, image compression and optimization; connect and migrate from any storage provider.
Personal Projects
work stamp
Keep track of your time while working on a particular project in vs-code editor
It was time to give SvelteJs a second try. Fullstack apps with jwt authentication and image upload feature.
Multiple page real estate business website built with ReactJs and TailwindCSS. Fully responsive
african proverbs
The African Proverb API brings you well-curated and unique proverbs unique to different regions in Africa
barlink - Shorten URL & QRcode service
Generate QR codes and shorten URLs for sharing and embedding into your websites. Fully responsive and Optimized. Scores 98% in lighthouse and Vercel analytics.
Portfolio v2
Personal portfolio built with CRA. Cool haaa 😄
Downtown Restaurant
Vite html + GSAP animations
Supa starbucks
Stackbuck clone RJx
QR Gen Client
First time Nextjs + QRcode generator
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